Chilly Gonzales-搜索结果

  • 闭嘴弹琴 Shut Up and Play The Piano


    导演:Philipp Jedicke   编剧:Philipp Jedicke

    主演:Chilly Gonzales, 贾维斯·考科尔, 蠢朋克

      The journey full of megalomania and piano music of Chilly Gonzales: from the Berlin punk scene to the

  • 桃子的教学 Teaches of Peaches

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:菲利普·富塞内格尔, 朱迪·兰德卡默   编剧:考度拉·卡布里茨-珀斯特, Schyda Vasseghi

    主演:Peaches, 莱斯莉·费斯特, Chilly Gonzales, 谢尔莉·曼森, Charlie Le Mindu

      Seamlessly weaving together exclusive archival gems with dynamic tour footage, this documentary captures the transformative journey of Canadian Merrill Nisker into the internationally acclaimed cultural powerhouse that is Peaches.